Wednesday 14 November 2007

caligo (remastered)

this is a really wierd new media video. its got people getting knifed n stuff!!! its wierd!

stupid f**king URL!!

oki so the URL off the last blog doesnt work but its on you tube, its called terrani's new media popart!

terrani's new media popart

this film is a series of pictures, that i think is new media (i dont really understand what new media is). the pictures are like collarges of bits of diffrent pictures, they are all bright colours and mainly include japanese people. enjoy!

Wednesday 7 November 2007

new media

today we learned about new media and how certain artists have begun to use diffrent methods to get their art seen. the main method being music videos.
spike jones is one of these artists. he made the video for fat boy slim's song praise you where he (pretending to be a dance teacher) got a group of ameture dancers to make up a awful dance and preform it in the town centre where he secretly filmed it.

i couldnt get on to youtube so i cant analise any!